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Torch Song Ecology


Authors: Ryou Ikuemi

Genres: Josei, Supernatural,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Jun 09, 2024

Published: 2011-10-28 2013-11-28

MAL Data

Rank: 30334

Popularity: 24879

Scores: 0 by 78 users

Read Torch Song Ecology for free on Manhuahot. The story follows Kiyotake, a man with no aim or accomplishments in life. He's an actor who lands extra roles at best, works multiple part-time jobs to barely support himself, and has few personal attachments. His best friend Shun died when he was 19 in an accident and he now has a few casual friends. This expands when an old acquaintance moves in next door...

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