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Tekkai no Senshi


Authors: Ryou Sumiyoshi

Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Shounen,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Published: 2020-01-06 2021-08-06

MAL Data

Rank: 13374

Popularity: 20649

Scores: 6.67 by 125 users

Read Tekkai no Senshi for free on Manhuahot. In a world where everyone bears metal arms, a demon bearing a hundred pairs of metal arms threatens total destruction on the world and everyone who lives within it. But even in the face of total hopelessness, a group of warriors is ready to tackle this desperate challenge! A boy named Ashidaka, with two pairs of metal arms of his own, gathers his companions for the sacred war to come...

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