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Rekishi Mentalist


Authors: Natsuko Uruma, Tomato Tori

Genres: Comedy, Shounen,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manga

Updated: Mar 09, 2024

Published: 2023-08-13

MAL Data

Rank: 16527

Popularity: 22643

Scores: 6.37 by 122 users

Read Rekishi Mentalist for free on Manhuahot. In a world reshaped by coronavirus, everything around grad student Sakutaro seems to have changed...except for himself. But the gears of history start to turn when Buddha’s emissary suddenly appoints him as ‘History’s Mentalist’! While taken aback by the unexpected flaws of the great historical figures he encounters, Sakutaro begins to (hopefully) reexamine himself in the face of their earnest endeavors... Can he survive the challenges of both the past and the present?!

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