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Rabbit Paradise

Rabbit Paradise

Authors: Momoko

Genres: Hentai,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Published: 2016-08-29 2017-12-28

MAL Data

Rank: 0

Popularity: 59950

Scores: 0 by 9 users

Read Rabbit Paradise for free on Manhuahot. A 26-year-old salaryman, Matsumaru Fumihiko, asked Miss Tanaka from his work to watch a movie with him, but she didn't show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a 20-year-old, rookie voice actress named Onda Aka asked for the ticket. The two of them end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Aka's apartment burns down and Matsumaru offers his help. She ends up living with him, but they have to keep it a secret to keep their jobs. What will happen to this relationship that is more than friends but less than lovers?

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