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Pumpkin Scissors

パンプキン シザーズ

Authors: Ryoutarou Iwanaga

Genres: Action, Drama, Military, Shounen,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manga

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Published: 2002 2020-03-06

MAL Data

Rank: 1323

Popularity: 3978

Scores: 7.79 by 1193 users

Read Pumpkin Scissors for free on Manhuahot. The bitter war between the Empire and the Republic of Frost has ended, but three years after the cease-fire, the Empire is still ravaged by starvation and disease, and bandits terrorize the populace. Can the Imperial Army State Section III, aka Pumpkin Scissors, stop a renegade force with chemical weapons? And who is the mysterious stranger helping Pumpkin Scissors?

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