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Prince of the Night


Authors: Ann Lai

Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Time Travel,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manhua

Updated: Jan 28, 2018

Published: 2009

MAL Data

Rank: 13076

Popularity: 22818

Scores: 6.69 by 119 users

Read Prince of the Night for free on Manhuahot. Liang You Xin is a kind and innocent girl who has left home to further her studies in the Tyrol in Europe. During her travels, the seemingly innocent act of helping a stray pig sends her to a different dimension in the Royal Palace Museum. There, she meets a mysterious young man clothed in black who invites her to the Royal Palace as a guest. Expecting to find an abandoned palace, Liang You Xin is surprised to find Tyrol's 17th Century Royal Highness instead. This fateful encounter changes her life from one of scholarship into slavery...

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