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NO.6 [ナンバーシックス]

Authors: Atsuko Asano, Hinoki Kino

Genres: Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Shoujo,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

Published: 2011-01-28 2013-11-28

MAL Data

Rank: 362

Popularity: 333

Scores: 8.25 by 17208 users

Read No.6 for free on Manhuahot. "The story is set in ""No. 6,"" a future model city in 2013. Raised as a top-ranking elite since the age of two, a boy named Shion lives in an exclusive area in No. 6. On the night of his 12th birthday, he rescues a boy who calls himself ""Nezumi"" (""Rat""). Nezumi ran away from the city's Special Security Area. From that moment on, Shion's life is changed forever..."

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