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Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force


Authors: Yukari Higa, Masaki Tsuzuki

Genres: Action, Detective, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Military, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shoujo,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manga

Updated: Jan 13, 2014

Published: 2009-07-31

MAL Data

Rank: 3526

Popularity: 7029

Scores: 7.42 by 788 users

Read Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force for free on Manhuahot. Six years after the JS Incident, a young dimensional traveler Touma Avenir rescues a mysterious mute girl named Lily Strosek from a secret research facility on a distant world of Ruwella. However, by doing so, he becomes an unwitting accomplice in the Book of the Silver Cross Incident, the latest interdimensional crisis faced by the former Riot Force 6 members...

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