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Houseki no Kuni


Authors: Haruko Ichikawa

Genres: Action, Anthropomorphic, Drama, Eligible Titles for You Should Read This, Fantasy, Seinen,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manga

Updated: Apr 25, 2024

Published: 2012-10-25

MAL Data

Rank: 12

Popularity: 94

Scores: 8.96 by 39151 users

Read Houseki no Kuni for free on Manhuahot. Land of the Lustrous synopsis: Houseki no Kuni is set in a fantasy future where new living entities called Jewels are born. 28 These gems have to fight against the Moon Men because they want to turn these entities into ornaments. Therefore, each gem is assigned a task, such as being a gladiator or a pharmacist.

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