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Hana no Niwa Ame no Mai

花の庭 雨の舞

Authors: Mi Tagawa

Genres: Romance, School, Shoujo,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manga

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

Published: 2014-09-04

MAL Data

Rank: 40519

Popularity: 36277

Scores: 0 by 16 users

Read Hana no Niwa Ame no Mai for free on Manhuahot. Sougo Amagai has no friends at school and spends day after day alone. The only thing that gives him comfort is the feather memento a girl gave him years ago during a traditional dragon dance. Her bright smile is also engraved in his memories. Even though so long has passed, that same feather will bring them together again in the world of dragon dancing.

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