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Crying Freeman


Authors: Ryouichi Ikegami, Kazuo Koike

Genres: Action, Adventure, Detective, Ecchi, Martial Arts, Organized Crime, Romance, Seinen,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Dec 08, 2019

Published: 1986-03-31 1988-04-18

MAL Data

Rank: 10475

Popularity: 2750

Scores: 6.87 by 1995 users

Read Crying Freeman for free on Manhuahot. "Yo Hinomura was an ordinary Japanese potter when a run-in with a Chinese mafia changed his life forever. Now an assassin for the 108 Dragons, Yo is the perfect killing machine. As a sign for remorse over his victims, he sheds tears after eliminating his targets. Because of this, he is infamously known by the Dragons and every other crime gang as ""Crying Freeman""."

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