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Chi no Wadachi


Authors: Shuuzou Oshimi

Genres: Drama, Eligible Titles for You Should Read This, Psychological, Seinen, Suspense,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Sep 10, 2023

Published: 2017-02-24 2023-09-08

MAL Data

Rank: 770

Popularity: 130

Scores: 7.99 by 32212 users

Read Chi no Wadachi for free on Manhuahot. Blood on the Tracks synopsis: Osabe Seiko's affection for her son, Seiichi, is boundless, verging on the extreme. This unnerving level of over-protectiveness is poised to disrupt her son's life and trigger a gradual but inexorable descent into madness for Seiko herself.

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