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Captain Commando


Authors: Kotomi Tobashi, Kenkou Tabuchi

Genres: Action,

Status: Completed

Type: Manga

Updated: Mar 16, 2019

Published: 1994-11 1995-08

MAL Data

Rank: 40455

Popularity: 41963

Scores: 0 by 40 users

Read Captain Commando for free on Manhuahot. In the year 2026, Metro City is at the mercy of a vicious gang of super-criminals, lead by the villainous Lord Scumocide. Only one fighting force can prevent total catastrophe by standing up to these mutant maniacs - the Commando Team! GINZU - the Ninja Commando! MACK - the Mummy Commando! BABY HEAD - the Baby Commando! And, of course, the man himself, CAPTAIN COMMANDO -- the greatest hero of all time!

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