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アクタージュ act-age

Authors: Tatsuya Matsuki, Shiro Usazaki

Genres: Drama, Performing Arts, Shounen, Showbiz,

Status: Ongoing

Type: Manga

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

Published: 2018-01-22 2020-08-11

MAL Data

Rank: 373

Popularity: 319

Scores: 8.23 by 15085 users

Read Act-age for free on Manhuahot. Act-Age centers on a young woman named Kei and a genius director Sumiji who meet at an audition for rookie actresses. Kei Yonagi comes from a poor family. Her father ran out on her and her two younger siblings, leaving her to fend for the family herself after their mother's death. When the opportunity comes to chase her dream of becoming an actress, Yonagi jumps at the chance. Catching the eye of Director Sumiji Kuroyama, Yonagi's opportunity to shine has come. However, Yonagi's talent for acting comes from her extreme and innate ability for Method Acting, one that various individuals note as potentially self-destructive.

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